Every Wednesday I get to dissect a sex or relationship dream for my friends at Em and Lo: Sex, Love and Everything In Between This week’s dream is from a woman who is wondering if her dream means it’s time to dabble in a threesome…

A few nights ago, I had a dream that my boyfriend of 9 months and myself met up with a mysterious gal pal he had. She was half white and half African American, and while the three of us were sitting on a couch, we both discovered that we were both Bisexual. She and I started to make out while he watched, then we all thought it would be fun to have a threesome. I received a phone call so I left the room and when I came back they were kissing and I felt really jealous. They stopped and I ended up only having sex with him because he knew I didn’t approve. We often joke about having a threesome or consider the idea, but we both end up agreeing we wouldn’t want to share the other. I’m not sure if I’m Bi or not, and he doesn’t have any friends who are girls. So what does this whole thing mean?   – Jessica

Lauri: This dream is confirming what you already know, a threesome is a bad idea. The girl in this dream represents the idea of a threesome. She is Mulatto because you are 50/50 on this idea. In the dream, the other girl is his friend, which leads me to believe he must have been the one to bring this idea into the relationship.

The make out session between you and the girl represents the conversations you have engaged in with your boyfriend about the idea of a threesome. Kissing in dreams can almost always be connected to waking life conversation because – like kissing – it takes two mouths to communicate.

Now, the reason why you leave when the phone rings is because your wiser inner mind is “calling” upon you to leave this idea behind. And it really brings home this point when it shows you the two of them kissing and you become jealous. Your dream is showing you that a threesome would expose your relationship to all kinds of unwanted feelings and complications.

And just as you had sex with just him in your dream, so should you stick with just him in waking life. This dream is a very honest representation of how you truly feel about the matter so I would suggest you no longer joke about threesomes anymore. Your inner mind does not approve.

Jessica replies: This was SOO dead-on!! Thank you!!

Crazy sex dreams, death, animals, weird things happening to your body PLUS way cool dream art… It’s ALL in there!  Grab your copy of So, What Did You Dream Last Night? and understand your dreams like never before! MAKES A GREAT GIFT TOO!!!

“Your books have been a life saver for me! Being able to understand my dreams has helped me to turn my marriage around because they were showing me what I have been doing to make our situation worse. Wow. It’s unbelievable how helpful my dreams have been to me.  I can not thank you enough.” – Tammy, Flagstaff, AZ