Your Five Most Recurring Dreams

Your Five Most Recurring Dreams

Every single night when the warm blanket of sleep envelopes our bodies, we each leave the outer world behind and fall into our own inner world. Sometimes it’s a world of talking animals, sometimes it’s a world of monsters and hungry zombies, and sometimes it’s a world...

The Dream Catcher

Best-selling Apollo Beach author’s third book brings meaning to our dreams. By MITCH TRAPHAGEN   Alice Cooper shared his dreams with her. So did Anderson Cooper. Despite sharing a last name, the rock and roll icon and the CNN news personality have little in common —...
Your Five Most Recurring Dreams

President Bush’s green dog

Ever dream about someone that seems so random or from left field that you are left scratching your head, seemingly, all day?  Happens to me all the time!  Last night I dreamed I was in a knock down drag out with Tom Cruise of all people! Had I not spent the past 15...