Colors in dreams serve more than the simple purpose of creating a cool dreamscape, they also have a meaning… that is, when the color of something in a dream stands out.  The color is standing out to you because it has something important to say.  Read on to find out how a purple car in a dream help is helping a woman make an important career choice.  This is from my weekly newspaper column The Dream Zone…

Dear Lauri,
I dreamed I was in the market for a new car so I called my old personal trainer who, in the dream, was a car salesman and told him what I wanted. He said he’d have it ready. I show up at the dealership and it’s a purple sports car with glitter! After I jumped in and took off, I realized it was only a one-seater. I started to have second thoughts because I thought for sure it was a V6, but as I was accelerating I noticed that it was only a 4 cylinder. I called my trainer/dealer and told him I was going to bring it back. Then I woke up.
– Bobbi 35, New York

Lauri: You must be in the market for a new direction in waking life.  While it seems odd that your former trainer was the car dealer in the dream it is perfectly natural to your dreaming mind because he represents your ability to be disciplined, and that is what it will take to get yourself moving in this new direction in real life.  The car is purple because that is the color of devotion. You must not be feeling quite as devoted to this direction as you once were.  And it is glittery because that represents the glitz and glamor of it in your mind. It seems that once this idea became a reality you realized it wasn’t what you had hoped and it didn’t leave much room for anyone or anything else in your life (the one seat).   It is a 4 cylinder rather than a V6 because you are losing your “drive,” your motivation, to continue with it.   It seems that this new waking life direction just isn’t practical for your life and it’s best to go back to the drawing board.

Bobbi replies: I have been a personality in the media for about 12 years, and recently my commitments have taken over my life.   Going into the business, there was a small element of “glitz and glamour” thoughts, but I quickly learned that wasn’t going to be the case.  That passion and drive has certainly dwindled in the past few months, as it’s taken quite a toll on me living a truly happy and fulfilling life.   I have indeed been toying with the idea of heading in a totally different direction.

Everything in your dreams has an awful lot to say about your life. When you can understand what your dreams are telling you, you can make huge positive changes in your life and you’ll wonder why you didn’t start listening to your dreams sooner! Grab yourself a copy of one of my books and you’ll never have to wonder what your dreams mean again!

“I don’t know why I didn’t order these books YEARS ago. I’m halfway through “So What Did You Dream Last Night” and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!  You had me cracking up several times.  I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one with completely off the wall dreams.”   – Gina, Springdale, PA